
Why Going Vegan is One of the Best Things You Can Do to Combat Climate Change
"The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it."
This means that peoples inaction is the threat to our planet. The fact that some people aren’t doing anything is almost worse than no throwing away your trash. Many people don’t believe they have the capacity to make a change and that somebody else will. The only problem is that everybody thinks that.

4th of July Climate Protest
Yesterday, July 4th, a group of Climate NOW members entered the Larkspur 4th of July Parade. A group of about 20 people marched, holding signs saying ‘Denial is Not a Policy’ and ‘CO2 is in the Air’.

Talking with Politicians about Climate
Last weekend I attended part of the 2019 California Democratic Convention. All 14 democratic presidential candidates attended hoping to persuade attendees to give them their vote. I went to hear some of the candidates speak, hoping to discover their thoughts on climate change and the Green New Deal.